2015 Steamtown Marathon
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2015 Steamtown Marathon

This was my 5th road marathon. My goal was to qualify for the Boston marathon. I hired coach Chris Vargo for my training. All my previous attempts were self-trained (or from books, websites, etc.). As a 43-year-old, my qualifying time for Boston is 3:15:00. For 2016, you needed 2:30 under your qualifying time to get […]

Oil Creek 100 – At Long Last
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Oil Creek 100 – At Long Last

Sunday, October 18, 2015 At Long Last Sixty five and sunny is what smacked my face when I got off the plane after a red-eye from Seattle to Cleveland. Is it really October? That was my initial question. Oftentimes Ohio is mid 40’s, snowing, or just plain out miserable. I couldn’t believe that this was […]

Blues Cruise 50k
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Blues Cruise 50k

The Leadup: I started running Ultra Marathons in the Spring of 2013 with Ironmasters Challenge. I had only been Ultra training for 5 months and although I was an instant student of the sport, I was only going to learn so much from reading other people’s advice. There is a science to this stuff… but […]

2015 Virgil Crest 50 Mile
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2015 Virgil Crest 50 Mile

“I’m only running the 50!” I found myself saying that to a lot of people the last two weeks before the Virgil Crest 100/50/50k. I did the 100 in 2013, signed up for the 100 in 2014 and dropped at 50 miles (dnf the 100). So this year I decided I was only going to […]

2015 Eastern States 100 – DNF
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2015 Eastern States 100 – DNF

Eastern States 100 Miler went really well this year until it didn’t – DNF mile 51. The wheels can fall off pretty quick and they did. This course is a beast and never stops challenging you with every step. Steep ups, steep downs, rocks, roots, creek crossings, very narrow trails with drop offs, the heat […]

2015 Altra Coventry Woods Challenge – 6 Hour
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2015 Altra Coventry Woods Challenge – 6 Hour

The Leadup: Seven weeks prior to this race I race the Laurel Highlands 70 Miler and that was a grueling 14.5 hours. That race left me with completely toasted, trembling legs and a seemingly perpetual recovery ahead. I learned about the Altra Coventry Woods 6 Hour from the store owner and Race Director Don Morrisson. […]