Ten Hours of Trexler, well almost. 9 hr 25 min, 51 miles, 9,000 ft of elevation gain – tough loop course. I found the pain cave right from the start and stayed there to the finish 😉 No issues with my leg other than the pain being inflicted on them from the course. Each loop 8.5 miles and 1,500 ft of elevation gain. The course seems to go up or come down and some are very very steep ups and crazy downs. Not a lot of flat running. Aid stations(2) had everything you needed and you were greeted with smile. This was an awesome, well put on, first time event by the group Trail WhippAss. Great job to all the volunteer’s out on the course. I will definitely be telling everyone how painfully fun this event was;-) Time to go for an easy hike.

Keep moving forward!

‪#‎letsgohoka‬ ‪#‎hokaoneone‬ ‪#‎trailtoes‬ ‪#‎succeedscaps‬ ‪#‎keepmovingforward‬

trexler 10 - Thomas Vincent

Crossing the water felt amazing – Photo: Thomas Vincent

trexler 10 2 maggie guterl

Refueling at the start/finish area – Photo: Maggie Guterl

trexler 10 1 Destrie Cossaboom

Could not wait to sit at the finish 😉 – Photo: Destrie Cossaboom

trexler 10 - award

Ten Hours Of Trexler top 3 finisher award – Buffalo bottle opener

Race Website: 

Finish Time: 

Overall Place:  1

Gender Place:  1

Age Group Place:  1

GPS Activity: 

Contributor's Personal Blog: 

I am an ultra runner from Pennsylvania since 2006. My first ultra was the Blues Cruise 50k in…