Having run Mountain Mist the previous two years I was ecstatic to have successfully convinced two more runners to join our party- Ron Brooks and Wes Trueblood. Although we had lost Beau “Boy” Hollis due to the birth of his second child, the core of our group: Jeff “Screech” Yoder and myself remained. Going into […]
It was cold in Alcoa, Tennessee that January day. Really cold for a Georgia girl; fourteen degrees to be exact. I was bundled up tightly in my heavy WeatherEdge jacket, old thermal gloves, and layers of sweats, but nothing could ease the bite of the windchill. I pulled my jacket up a little higher over […]
The last time I ran over 10 miles was at Grindstone 100. The race was back in October, over 5 months ago. My 6th hundred wasn’t a normal one for me …if there is such a thing as a normal 100. Most hundreds hurt in more ways than one. But this one– it was pure […]
This is my race report for the 2014 Georgia Jewel 100 mile race. This was my first 100 and the race I chose to hold that title for me proved to be a VERY tough one indeed. First, let me give a very brief overview of the course as described on the Georgia Jewel Website. […]
Here is my race report from the Lake Martin 50 Mile Endurance Run: I spent the week prior to the race glued to weather.com in order to get an idea of what this race would have in store for us. Earlier in the week it called for thunderstorms on Friday with a clear day on […]